Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Home Clearance Sale!!!

"We're-Going-On-The-Road" Home Clearance/Yard Sale!!!

This Friday only (6/15) 8am-2pm!

Our family is in the final stages of our move into an RV to travel the country full-time for a few years. This Friday only we are hosting a final sale of all housewares/lawn and garden/children's items and more that we're neither storing nor bringing with us! 

If you are local to Indianapolis and need directions, please contact either Jason ( or Stephanie (

You won't want to miss this sale!

If you thought our first sale was big, we have at least as much to sell this time--only it's either the things that we thought we were going to keep or things that have been insanely useful in our house-on-dirt, that we're only now ready to part with (or the things that we didn't realize until only recently that we actually own, upon opening seldom-used closets and cabinets!). This is definitely a sale to tell your friends about!

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